Custom Coaching


Eight 60-minute sessions | Scheduled within 3 months

We focus on you through mindfulness, rituals, goal-setting, vision writing, daily habits, meaningful conversation, leadership development, and more.

Our work begins with a Clarity Call where together we develop a plan of action. This work is the foundation for play, creativity, and freedom in your life.

Includes bi-weekly (or weekly) phone calls, ongoing email support, and shared resources.


Eight 60-minute sessions | Scheduled within 3 months

We focus on you through mindfulness, rituals, goal-setting, vision writing, daily habits, meaningful conversation, leadership development, and more.

Our work begins with a Clarity Call where together we develop a plan of action. This work is the foundation for play, creativity, and freedom in your life.

Includes bi-weekly (or weekly) phone calls, ongoing email support, and shared resources.

Eight 60-minute sessions | Scheduled within 3 months

We focus on you through mindfulness, rituals, goal-setting, vision writing, daily habits, meaningful conversation, leadership development, and more.

Our work begins with a Clarity Call where together we develop a plan of action. This work is the foundation for play, creativity, and freedom in your life.

Includes bi-weekly (or weekly) phone calls, ongoing email support, and shared resources.